Vyšehradské Casemates
Vysehrad casemates is a brand that offers a unique historical experience for visitors. Located in Prague, Czech Republic, the casemates are a series of underground tunnels and rooms built into the fortifications of the Vysehrad fortress. The brand offers guided tours of these historic casemates, providing visitors with insight into their rich history. The casemates were used for various purposes over the centuries, including as storage facilities, military barracks, and even as a morgue during the 19th-century cholera epidemics. Today, they stand as a monument to Prague's rich history, with visitors from all over the world coming to explore their mysteries. Whether visitors are history buffs or simply seeking a unique experience, Vysehrad casemates is a must-visit destination.

Amenities and More

  • Accessibility
    • Wheelchair-accessible entrance
  • Children
    • Good for kids


8 reviews
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars
Chi Hang Yu
Chi hang yu
March 22, 2024
Perfect tour by Tomáš! Tours run on the hour. Last one was at 17:00. We learned a lot and had a great time. Must see in Prague!
Sichen Zhu
Sichen zhu
March 22, 2024
The tour guide is super professional with kindness and patience to explain everything. It’s not only about Vyšehrad history but also about the whole history of the whole Prague city! Super recommended!
William Ng
William ng
March 22, 2024
since the 1990s six original baroque sculptures from the Charles Bridge have been placed here: the statue of St. Bernard with the Madonna (MV Jackel, 1709), sculpture of St. Augustine and St. Nicholas Tolentinsky (JB Kohl, 1708), statue of St. Adagio (FM Brokoff, 1709), statue of St. Anne (MV Jackel, 1707), statue of St. Ludmila with little Václav (MB Braun, 1724). When we Whent there in January they gave us a map and information sheets, unlocked a wooden door, totally pitched black, and the lady turned the lights on, tunnels seemed to go for miles, then told us to carry on, MAD, but absolutely brilliant, we were the only ones exploring down there and we loved it.
Sherwood Holmes
Sherwood holmes
March 22, 2024
Tomáš was a great tour guide. Funny and adventurous. History mixed with gossip. Worthy to see.
Shelby Netherton
Shelby netherton
March 22, 2024
The casemates of Vyšehrad extend on both sides of the Cihelná brána (the Brick Gate), the right part of the corridors opens into an underground hall of Gorlice with an area of 300 m2 and a height of 13 meters, which served as a storehouse for food and ammunition. Corridors have a length of over one km, corridors are about 1.5 m wide and 2 m high. Casemates were almost totally destroyed at the end of the Prussian War in November 1744. The Prussians then transferred to casemates 133 barrels of gunpowder, which was to detonate by the last soldier. Three courageous Podskalí natives managed to prevent the destruction of Vyšehrad. They were awarded Maria Theresa for this heroic act and received 200 gold annuities per year. During the tour, our guide turned the electric light off to experience the conditions that the soldiers had. Due to gunpowder barrels, torches or any open fire could not be used in the corridors, so the only light source was several shafts leading many meters above the level of the corridors. We had to get used to the darkness, just like the crews once, and even then it was not pleasant. Vyšehradské kasematy se rozprostírají po obou stranách Cihelné brány, pravá část chodeb ústí do podzemního sálu Gorlice o rozloze 300 m2 a výšce 13 metrů, který sloužil jako sklad potravin a munice. Chodby mají délku přes 1 km, chodby jsou zhruba 1,5 m široké a 2 m vysoké. Kasematy byly málem zcela zničeny na konci pruské války v listopadu 1744. Prusové tehdy přesunuli do kasemat 133 sudů se střelným prachem, které měl odpálit doutnáky poslední voják. Třem odvážným Podskalákům se podařilo doutnáky včas odstranit a zabránit tak zkáze Vyšehradu. Za tento hrdinský čin byli vyznamenáni Marií Terezií a dostali 200 zlatých roční renty. Při prohlídce nám průvodce zhasnul, abychom zažili podmínky, které měli vojáci. Kvůli sudům se střelným prachem se v chodbách nesměly používat louče, proto jediný zdroj světla bylo několik šachtic, ústících mnoho metrů nad úrovní chodeb. Museli jsme si - stejně jako posádky kdysi - nejdříve na tmu zvyknout a ani potom to nebylo nic příjemného.
Benjamin Chang
Benjamin chang
March 22, 2024
This was an amazing tour with Tomas! A highlight of our trip learning about the castle and seeing the underground and original statues from Charles Bridge
zhi yuang gao
Zhi yuang gao
March 22, 2024
Definitely a must see in Prague. Great dark atmosphere, amazing guide.
Lori C
Lori c
March 22, 2024
Definitely worth a visit! It can be visited only with a guide but there are tours every hour. The guide that welcomed us did a great job!



  • Monday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Saturday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Sunday
    10:00 AM - 05:30 PM

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